Rebecca Jagoe

Rebecca Jagoe performing at Odrathek, May 2018
Rebecca Jagoe’s practice presents the uncertainties of queer subjectivity under contemporary late capitalism. Working across performance, text and object, their work is a material memoir examining notions of body and self from a queer femme perspective. Recent research has explored how identity is formed at the intersection of Western medical rhetoric and the visual language of high fashion, with objects sitting uncomfortably between clothing and biological matter. The porosity of skin becomes not only metaphor, but actual condition of the interrelationship between body and world. Text-based performances are the fraught monologues of a subject conflicted by the uncertainty of their boundaries between self and world, self and other. Sculptural works shift between sentience and wearability, subject and object; their formlessness, contigency, and haptic tactility offering possible alternatives for humanist, atomised individualism.
Recent shows and performances have included The Doubting Colloquy, Whitechapel Gallery; I want my Ideal Paste, Kelder Projects; Hot Retaliations and Other Acts of Revenge, Clearview (all London, 2017); HYPOKEIMENON, en dessous de sang, GNF, Brussels (2017). They recently co-edited the book On Violence with Sharon Kivland (published by Ma Bibliotheque, 2018) and until 2017 worked as a commissioning editor at EROS journal.
Biography last updated: 2018