We Are Participating. Musarc Winter Konsert 2023. Walshe + Prouvost + Schimana + Dart + Lim + Boulanger. 16 Dec, 7–9pm
Workshop Programme
2 Oct — 15 Dec 2023
London Metropolitan University
Join Musarc for the choir’s Winter Konsert 2023, under a glowing sphere, with new writing and poems by the choir read with the audience, performances by Ben Smith and Hester Dart, flags by Laure Prouvost, heartbeats in Elisabeth Schimana’s Zwiebelfäden, and Jennifer Walshe’s The White Noisery. Food and spiced drinks provided by the choir.
Event programme, poem written by members of the choir and ensemble biographies
Musarc’s Winter Konsert 2023 opens with a performace of Zwiebelfäden, a multi-channel sound piece by Austrian electronic music pioneer Elisabeth Schimana that draws threads between the composer and six protagonists – Eliane Radigue, Pauline Oliveros, Beatriz Ferreyra, Heidi Grundmann, Maryanne Amacher and Helga de la Motte – whose heartbeats pulsate asynchronously as Laure Prouvost’s flags draw undulating lines through space with their slogans: Out of Rubbish Oui Grow.
We Are Participating is an evening of entrainment, questions, assemblage, hope and poetry. The choir has been practicing social writing, which we will perform with the audience. Hester Dart invites a wasp into her mouth in Enno Poppe’s Wespe. In Sylvia Lim’s flare, pianist Ben Smith turns the resonant apparatus of the piano into a giant Doppler machine, pulling sound from here into the distance and back again. Birds call from a woody undergrowth in Lili Boulanger’s Sous Bois.
The evening ends with a performance of Jennifer Walshe’s The White Noisery (2013), a ten-movement assemblage of sound, language and events premiered in the UK by Musarc at LCMF in 2019 – sliced from the full frequency band of what we call the world, in all its mediated strangeness, a social image, a bright illuminated sphere.
We Are Participating also marks Musarc’s inaugural performance with David Young. David was appointed Musarc’s new Director of Music this November from a stellar long-list of applicants with many of whom Musarc will develop new friendships and projects. We are Participating was conceived by Sam Belinfante with Joseph Kohlmaier and the ensemble.

Laure Prouvost, flags. Photo: Veerle Vercauteren
Tickets and Booking Info
The Wash Houses
London Metropolitan University
25 Old Castle Street
London E1 7NT
Google Map
The Wash Houses has a capacity of 150 + choir and the event is likely to sell out. To guarantee a place and help us plan food and drinks, please register in advance.
£10 (£5 Concessions, £15 Give Extra) Tickets are available on the door. Card payments only. Children are welcome and go free. Donations in support of Musarc’s artists and ensemble programme are welcome.